Restaurant Review – Forrey Grill in LaBelle

Turning right from River Hall Parkway onto 80 to go to a restaurant is a refreshing change of pace! When you turn left you’re going into the belly of the beast with lots of traffic, crazy drivers and lights at intersections that seem to take all day to change. And its not even “in season” yet! So we’re headed to LaBelle to go to the Forrey Grill for lunch. I have been here before, but it had been a while.

I do remember the garlic bread swimming in butter and that a lot of the people we were with that time had Italian dishes like Lasagna, Pasta and Meatballs and such. I had Fish and Chips! Not very Italian, but it was good as were the rest of the dishes. Today our group ate a variety of dishes. A Cobb Salad, a Cubano Sandwich, a Chicken Salad on Texas Toast Sandwich and I ordered the Forrey Cheeseburger with Fries and a side of Coleslaw. A cup of Tomato basil Soup was also ordered.

That garlic bread and soup looked like it could have been a nice light meal in and of itself. The salad looked like it had enough seeds, nuts and dried fruit to feed a flock of people! Half of the salad was taken home. All of the Chicken Salad sandwich was eaten. (Us guys we’ll do that ya know!)

My wife had the Cubano Sandwich which, as the name suggests, has Cuban origins. Its ham and roast pork with mustard, Swiss cheese and pickles on a sandwich roll that is pressed and heated. She ate half of that and took the rest home. I had the Forrey Cheeseburger with cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato and red onion with fries and a side of coleslaw. There was also a side of mayo! I didn’t order that, it comes with it. And boy did I enjoy that! I love mayo on my burgers. The burger meat had a good flavor that was enhanced by the nice char on the outside. The burger covered the whole bun so I didn’t end up with a big chunk of burger bun at the end. In fact, at the end, I was holding a chunk of burger coated with mayo. Nice burger to bun ratio! Finger licking good! The coleslaw was fresh. The fries were crispy and warm, needed a little salt. I ate the whole thing! We didn’t save room for dessert, so we took a piece of Pumpkin Cheesecake home. It comes highly recommended. I’m sure it will taste as good as it looks.

The Forrey Grill looks like its been around a while. And I don’t mean that in a bad way. Its just a quaint old building. The main dining room has booths in the middle of the room. They have high backs so when you sit down you can’t see anyone else! They have a salad bar there. When’s the last time you saw a salad bar? We saw people go through the salad bar. It looked fresh. You can add that to your lunch entree for $5. That’s a nice option. Its included with dinner entrees!

So all in all, a nice place for lunch and I presume dinner too. According to their website they have excellent cocktails, a nice selection of craft beers and wine! We didn’t drink, so I don’t know for sure. Its a nice leisurely drive to LaBelle from here so its got that going for it too! 60 miles an hour most of the way and a few stop lights that don’t take a half hour to change (if you catch them at all)! Check out their website by clicking here.