Restaurant Review – Buckingham Farms

I can’t believe I don’t have a review out here about Buckingham Farms! My wife and I have eaten here many times over the past two years and have taken people there too to enjoy the food. They’re a breakfast and lunch place (closed Mondays) and do take out dinners on Friday nights. I’ve never done the take out dinner thing, so if you have, please leave a comment. When I go for breakfast I get the Eggs Benedict. When I go for lunch I ether get a sandwich or a salad. I’ve been stuck on the Chef’s Salad for a while because I think its darn good. The menu board says it comes with Ranch, but I like it with thousand island. Right now its $14.95, but its worth it! You gets tons of ham, turkey and cheese, plus some mashed avocado and a corn and bean salad. This time around my wife got a blueberry muffin, which was good. There’s plenty of room to eat inside and there’s also lots of tables outside. Inside is like a country store with pies and other desserts in the fridge and some dry goods too.

In the past, I’ve had the best Eggs Benedict and the worst Eggs Benedict. One time I had an Eggs Benedict where the poached eggs were over cooked like a hard boiled egg, there wasn’t much Hollandaise Sauce and the hash browns looked like they’ve been on the flat top for three days! If that had been my first meal there, I might not have gone back! Always give a place at least two tries before you write them off. We’ve probably have eaten there at least 20 times and I’ve only had that one problem with the Eggs Benedict. But guess what? I ate all of it, so I really couldn’t complain to the staff!

Give it a try. I’m sure you’ll like it! Check out the giant tortoise next to the restaurant in it pen. Its a hydroponic farm too which you can see from the parking lot or take a walk through the property on a marked path. Talk about farm to table! As fresh as it can get! I think they do weddings there too?! Click here for their website!