I come across a lot of information about health on the internet. I’m going to post links to these articles on this post and update it as I find new information. The main reason I’m doing it is because I would like to have a central point that I can use to get back to these articles. Otherwise, I usually can’t re-find them! If you find any of this information useful, great! Enjoy! Oh yes, the disclaimer, I’m not a doctor. I’m not promoting or recommending anything. This is just information. Talk to your doctor. Thank you.

Gout Is Not Necessarily Caused by High Uric Acid, Here’s the Key I have pains in my legs. Is it gout?

Advanced Methods in Alternative Cancer Treatment

Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease by Eating Two Delicious Fruits Loaded With an Essential Mineral for Heart Health

Four Ways to Slash Your Risk of A Stroke

Grain-Free, Low-Carb Substitutes for Pasta

Discover 7 Common Dieting Mistakes

Why Glucose Restrictions Are Essential in Treating Cancer

The Most Efficient Way to Boost Gut Health, Better Than Any Amount of Probiotics

Eat These ‘Salt-Removing’ Foods to Help Decrease Mortality Risk by 20 Percent

Maintain Your Muscle

Considering Knee Surgery? Read This First

Eat These Foods to Starve Cancer Cells to Death

Tweak Your Diet to Prevent Recurring Kidney Stones

Is Low Stomach Acid Damaging Your Health?

5 Steps to Being Your Own ‘Doctor’