Things To Do – Babcock Ranch Eco Tour

The entrance to the Eco Tour area is further north on 31 than the Babcock Ranch Town Center. Its a few miles and its on the right. When on the road to the Eco Tour area you’ll go past the thousands of solar panels that power the town. There is also a place to eat by the Eco Tour starting point called The Gator Shack. We had burgers and ribs and it was good. They might serve gator! 🙂 The following are pics from along the tour. They throw feed to the animals, so I don’t know how “wild” they are, but its still interesting. They bring you to a pond that has about 30 alligators in it. We didn’t see anybody feeding them, but how can 30 alligators live in a 10,000 square foot pond and not get fed? Otherwise, I think they’d eat each other! Anyway, its interesting to see! Great for the kids!

They usually have a baby alligator in a box on the bus you’re driving around in. They take him out at a certain stop and let people touch it (if you want). The kids love it!