Restaurants Revisited – Coopers Hawk and Backyard Social

We went back to a couple of our favorite eating places in the past weeks. Cooper’s Hawk is always good. Food is great. We never had a problem with any of the food. Wines are good too. I actually found a non-alcoholic drink on the menu that I’ll be ordering more often (I’m cutting down on the alcohol). I forget the name of it, but there is a little section on the menu with three non-alcoholic drinks. I loved it. I think there was some mint involved and jalapenos. The only problem we did have one time was a goofy waiter. He kind of lost track of us, left dirty dishes on his other tables when the customers left and our conversations with him were weird. Usually when you talk to waitstaff its all happy smiley type stuff. Talking with this guy left us wondering what was that all about. Anyway the food is good as you can maybe tell by the pics.

Next up is Backyard Social. I really like this place. The last (and first) time we were here it was packed. I think we got there around 6pm, had to park across the street in the field and got what looked to be the last table in the place. So our second time there we arrived around 1:30pm on a weekday and the place was actually kind of empty. All the food trucks were there, just less people. That was nice. Walked right up to a truck, placed the order, got a pager, ready in 5 minutes. Nice! We went back to the Gyros truck though. We should have tried the BBQ truck. The Lobster truck looks good. $30+ for a lobster roll though. Anyway, we’ll be back. All good!