Eat for $40 a Week – Week 1 Episode 1



I’m going to be using the Winn Dixie sale paper to buy food for this week and the coming weeks. I will mix in food from Costco and Publix, but I will always try to stay at the $40 a week threshold. That would be for me and my wife! Do you think its possible that two people can eat comfortably for $40 a week? We’ll find out! What am I going to do if we eat out, have people over or just buy some fast food? A stop at a fast food place goes in the 30s nowadays! I guess I’ll just note that as I go, but the main goal will always be for home meals to stay under $40 for the week. Follow me on Instagram for quick updates on our progress or check back here for updates. I will repost my Instagram posts to this website, so be sure to subscribe to this website and you will automatically get an email when new posts are posted! My Instagram account is @eatbacongethealthy. Also, check out my youtube channel for video recipes and other updates.