Restaurant Review – Bridge Street Cafe, LaBelle

My wife has a doctor in LaBelle and gets her blood work done there too. So one day after a blood draw we decided to check this place out. I think the emphasis for this place is coffee and tea. They do have food including breakfast, sandwiches, chicken salad, wraps, soup and you can even get a bowl of oatmeal! Anyway I had a Layered Caramel Macchiato. Sounds pretty upper crust, right. It was my first one and I loved it. Pretty sweet though. I don’t usually go to Starbucks (I’m a Dunkin Donuts kind of guy), but I would imagine something like that going for some big bucks, maybe like $10? IDK. But here, it was just $4.75. I had a breakfast sandwich too for $4.50. They have a coffee and breakfast sandwich combo for $6.55. So prices are reasonable. It was an interesting looking place in a really old building. Its next door to the Forrey Grill. Its got a lot of nooks and crannies and comfortable looking couches and chairs. So I can see someone coming in and sitting down for hours reading a book and having just one cup of coffee! Not my kind of business model. I hope their rent is cheap!

Anyway, if you find yourself in LaBelle, check this place out for a great coffee, latte, espresso or Macchiato and a bite to eat! Click here to see their menu.