
Block parties are a great way to get to know your neighbors! Halloween was a community wide block party! I’ve never seen anything quite like that! Smaller versions can take place during the year in cul de sacs or at the end of a dead end street. You can’t really block traffic on a thru street. Even doing it on dead end streets, you’d have to get all the homeowners on board before you shut down any part of the street.

I’ve been thinking about doing a backyard party of all the neighbors surrounding the “lake” we’re on. There are only a couple yards that are fenced in, but you can still get around because the fence doesn’t encroach too much on the lake. I live on Hampton Blvd by the lake that runs along the west part of Hampton Circle. So if anybody wants to do a block party type event, leave a comment for everybody to read and please join our block party group on MeetUp.com Its free!.