How About Them Potholes! C’mon, Lets Pave These streets!


The streets in Hampton Lakes and Riverhall have lots of pot holes in them and they continue to be a problem because of the haphazard way they’re taken care of. I live in Hampton Lakes, but occasionally drive in Riverhall to attend a party or two and both communities have the same problem. The pothole pictured below is at the intersection of Hampton Blvd and East Hampton Circle. It was marked with the orange paint to be fixed, but as you can see its been so long since it was marked the paint has disappeared!

These are more potholes on Hampton Blvd just before you get to that intersection mentioned above.

As you can see there are many other older potholes that have been patched, but they still keep coming! The only way to get rid of these large areas of potholes is to dig up that large area and put down a nice even layer of asphalt like they did on the portion of East Hampton Circle to the east of Hampton Blvd, which is pictured below.

Nice, huh!? Now that’s not the final top coat of asphalt. There were so many potholes in this area (and so many calls to Vania to fix them) that they decided to grind up the road and put a new first coat of asphalt on it. And guess what? No more calls to Vania about the potholes on this stretch of road! Of course, she still gets calls about potholes because there all over the place because they are mostly “fixed” with a small patch which comes undone in no time! The resurfacing in the picture above I think was done sometime at the beginning of the year (March or April?). If you notice, there’s no damage from construction traffic. These roads don’t crumble as one cement truck goes over it. Riverhall Parkway is in good shape and ALL the construction traffic goes over it. So you know where I’m going with this, right?


Remember a while ago, the developer was going to put the final coat of asphalt on a lot of the roads, but was cancelled at the last minute supposedly because of a unacceptable rise in price. That was a long time ago and there’s been no mention of a final coating since. Hampton Blvd and East Hampton Circle to the east of Hampton Blvd were going to be left out because of all the construction traffic. Guess what? The downturn in the housing market has taken care of that. There’s hardly any construction traffic! Its going to be a while (long after turnover) for the market to come back. So I say, finish all the roads. Stop the pothole madness and lets move on. These roads with double the asphalt will be able to handle a cement truck or two per day.


Here’s some pics of the back gate. I thought that because this back gate road went over a body of water they would have had to put culverts under the road to let the water flow through, but underneath the road is solid fill. Surely this would support any construction traffic. So why doesn’t this become the construction traffic entrance/exit? It may be a longer and windier road, but it won’t take that much longer to get through it! And the construction area is right there!

Well, as you know, the developer gets his way all the time. I’m sure he’ll find a way to weasel out of this. Its for our own good probably! Putting off finishing the roads keeps the money in his pocket for now. Pushing it back beyond the 2025 turnover date would be totally unacceptable to me. Just because the the developer wanted to cash in on the hot housing market and got the county to approve more homes and getting rid of the second golf course for the country club seems like moving the goal posts around right in the middle of the game. I’ve got a great home and nice neighbors that my wife and I hang out with. We’re here for the long run. It would be nice to have beautiful ribbons of smooth, black asphalt roads tying us all together!

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